The mission brings Veterans, researchers, technologists, advocates, healthcare providers, health innovators, and service members together to collaborate and advance suicide prevention solutions.
Accelerating innovative solutions to reduce Veteran suicides.
Impact to date
Mission Daybreak teams meet at the 2024 VA Immersive Summit
In June, Mission Daybreak teams attended the 2024 VA Immersive Summit in Washington, D.C. The two-day conference brought together VA, industry, academia, and other federal agencies to hear from innovators in the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) field and to try out the latest immersive devices for Veterans.
Mission Daybreak featured at ViVE 2024
The team headed to ViVE 2024 to discuss how VA is driving new suicide prevention innovations and showcase teams’ solutions. Under Secretary for Health Dr. Shereef Elnahal also shared how VA is using partnership initiatives such as Mission Daybreak to develop community-driven innovations and support systems.
30 finalists showcase their solutions at Demo Day
On November 4, 2022 at the Samsung Executive Briefing Center, the 30 Mission Daybreak finalists presented their suicide prevention solutions at Demo Day, an in-person showcase event.

Mission Daybreak is still accelerating solutions. The challenge is over, but the mission continues.”
Director of Open Innovation
VHA Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL)

Our Veterans need and deserve suicide prevention solutions that meet them where they are… and that’s exactly what Mission Daybreak has delivered.”
Under Secretary for Health

We are constantly scanning the horizon for innovative ideas and solutions to help navigate barriers and connect Veterans and their support networks to the needs they have, when they have them, and however they need to receive those supports. Mission Daybreak is about saving lives, legacies, and communities.”
Senior Consultant for Operations
Office of Suicide Prevention
Veterans Health Administration
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